Saturday, November 8, 2014

I Do What I Want

It's been over half a year since I posted anything here, and yet I've gotten more traffic in that time than ever. I have no idea who's reading this blog or why - my guess is a bunch of search engine robots get lost on their way to more important websites. But on the off chance there are actual humans reading this, I figured I should put something new up.

 I don't think anybody actually cares to read a personal blog from me. I haven't done anything worthy of garnering people's curiosity about my life. What do people want to read then? WHO CARES I DO WHAT I WANT! HERE'S A FEW THOUGHTS ON DRAGON'S DOGMA!

Monday, April 28, 2014

I'm Lazy

I'm lazy. I haven't kept up with this blog for a while. Nor have I finished a game in the last month. Here's what I have done:

Sunday, February 16, 2014

To the Edge of Candy Island

A couple weeks ago I finally finished game #2 of my self-imposed monthly game challenge - To the Edge of Candy Island ! I made it with the help of a couple friends for the Candy Jam, a game jam based around candy in protest of King (makers of Candy Crush Saga) trademarking the word 'candy'.

Check out the game here! I'll spend the rest of this post talking about the journey this game took to fruition.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Update 2014 - wow...

In classic 8Points fashion, I've completely blown off all promises from previous posts. I'm gonna stop doing that.