Thursday, December 26, 2013


So I've dubbed my current project Pseudomo and you can check it out HERE. (PC only! Sorry!!)

Yes, it's a horrible pun and no, I'm not sorry.

I'll update that link as I add to it.

UPDATE 12/31/13: I managed to make a simple AI before the year ended, now you can play Pseudomo by yourself! (holy shit!! I'll make a more in depth post about this later [maybe])

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Update 12/25/13

Well, Decoys is in another lull. I'm used to it by now, but there's something different about this one.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Metatopia 2013

After finishing the digital prototype for Decoys, I thought I could just sit back and wait for the feedback to roll in. It never came, and with no leads on what to work on, Decoys again fell into stagnation. Luckily, I had something to look forward to - Metatopia 2013 - and it was guaranteed to leave me with plenty to chew on.

Well, it sure as hell did.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Update 10/4/13

I hate how fast time moves, but at least it motivates me to get things done.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Decoys is a Video Game, You Guys

You guys. Decoys. It is a video game.

Well, almost. Here's the prototype. (PC only, sorry!) (This link will be updated as I work on it.)
 UPDATE 9/18/13:  This .exe file now comes with a title screen and help menu! The help menu has a description of the rules and how to play, so no need to go anywhere else before diving in!!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Update 8/10/13

Has it really been a month since my last update? Jeez, time moves too quickly. Well, let's see...  

Decoys, now far from stagnating, is going in several different directions. Pocket is working on dressing up the vanilla game, while another friend of mine is helping me make a variant that's similar to my Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy idea, and at the same time I'm working on finishing the old digital version in GameMaker.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Decoys - The Faces Of

Sean "Pocket" Dale is an amazing artist. Last week I contacted him about doing some concept sketches for Decoys' Spy Cards and this week he had six characters ready, one for each piece in the game. I sat down with him for a few hours to try and flesh them out and he really impressed me with how quickly and easily he could bring our ideas to life. I've been drawing my entire life, but I'm still not talented like that. I'm not too familiar with the traditional artistic process, so maybe my praise is a bit overstated, but still, watching an artist in flow is awe-inspiring.

So, what exactly are Spy Cards and why did Pocket draw them?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Update 7/9/13

It's been about a month since my last post, and I don't want to let this thing collect too much dust, so in this post I'm just going to give a little update on what I've been up to.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Decoys - Card Tricks

Well it's been a long time coming, but I finally finished the written rules for Decoys' card system, which dramatically changes the way the game is played. Download the complete rule-set here, or just the additional card rules here. And, of course, save yourself some time and get the digital board here (only works on PC).

I already wrote an in-depth post about how I came up with the cards and why they matter a few months ago, so I won't spend the rest of this post retreading that ground. If you're interested, check it out here.

Instead, I just want to thank everyone who's helped me get to this point. You know who you are.

And now, I continue my adventures in convincing people to play the damn thing...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Decoys - Now With 100% Less Honor!

When I first started showing Decoys to the world, people would ask how they were supposed to keep track of what objective points they captured, or how to prove they actually did so to their opponent. My answer was always 'The Honor System!' even though it didn't address the memory issue. And, rightfully so, a few people were turned off by there being no dedicated game system for tracking your progress.

Enter, the Idle Thumbs forum member, 'Berzee'. He suggested the use of grids in which to track pieces' progress around the board. I liked his idea, so I went ahead and made some new rules that introduce a new mechanic, Score Grids, to eliminate the need for a photographic memory and that pesky honor system.

Enjoy them here! Or, if you already have the core rule-set for Decoys, go ahead and download the addition separately here! And don't forget to save yourself some time by downloading a digital board (without the Score Grids, for now) on your PC here!

I'll spend the rest of this post talking a bit about the creation of the Grids, because I'm like that.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Decoys - A Video Game?

I've finally finished writing/editing Decoys' core rule-set, now complete with pictures!!! You can download it here!

I also accidentally made Decoys into a video game - well, more of a digital board. You can save yourself the trouble of drawing up a board and collecting game pieces by downloading it here!
(EDIT: I should note that the board only works on PC, sorry, Mac.)

I just ask that if you play the game, you email me at to tell me about your experience! Thank you, enjoy.

I'll spend the rest of this post describing how I stumbled across a digital version of my game while making the rule-set, if you're interested.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

GDC 13 and The Future of Decoys

I've just returned to New Jersey from the 2013 Game Developer's Conference. It was an amazing two weeks in the Bay area! The weather was near perfect, the food was top notch, and everyone was so nice - much more so than the East Coast! My dear friend, Kate Hutchinson, made a great host and tour guide, showing me as much as she could of the different pockets of culture. Having never been on the West Coast, it was great experience and I can't wait to go back.

But the real treat was GDC...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Decoys Cont.

The core mechanics of Decoys are solid. They truly invoke the themes of deception and perception. But the game wasn't exciting enough. Playtesters would nod their heads at the strategic possibilities and tell me, "You've got something here," but it didn't feel complete. The mechanics laid out long-term strategies, but I needed something to occupy player's minds on a more short-term level to keep them interested. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Decoys is a game about deception and perception, a stealth strategy board game about hiding in plain sight. This post is dedicated to the why and how of Decoys. At the end, you'll find a formalized rule-set of the core mechanics, allowing you to play it in its purest form.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hello and Welcome

   Hello! I'm Drew Dunaj, a 23 year old game designer from New Jersey. Welcome to my personal blog, 8Points!

   I plan on using this blog to chronicle my adventures as a game designer. I'll be giving regular updates on my two current projects - Clepto and Decoys - as well as any other ideas that come to me. I also intend to write about the games I'm playing, and games in general where it strikes me. I basically started this blog for exposure. Everything I've read or heard about networking says I need a website, and I agree that this will be a great way to introduce myself to the world.