Monday, September 16, 2013

Decoys is a Video Game, You Guys

You guys. Decoys. It is a video game.

Well, almost. Here's the prototype. (PC only, sorry!) (This link will be updated as I work on it.)
 UPDATE 9/18/13:  This .exe file now comes with a title screen and help menu! The help menu has a description of the rules and how to play, so no need to go anywhere else before diving in!!!

You surely already know the rules to Decoys, so here's a little guide on how to use the prototype:

The game starts with a prompt for Player 1 to choose a Spy and OType, and then for Player 2 to do the same. Make sure your opponent does not watch you pick these! Use a mouse to left-click the buttons to make a choice.

After that, each player should take turns placing their pieces on the board. Left-click on one of your pieces and you will see grey, circle highlights that show all places that piece can move to. Right-click on one of those highlights to move the previously selected piece to that spot.

Once both players have moved all their pieces into starting squares, Player 1 can start moving her pieces.  Left-click a piece to see all valid moves, right-click on a highlight to move that piece there.

When you want to end your turn, left-click the big yellow "END" button at the top of the board. You can tell whose turn it is by the flag on either side of this button.

If a piece ends its turn on an OPoint, you'll see a symbol spawn on the corresponding Score Grid to the right of the board. The arrangement of the Score Grids is this: Blue (Left 3) are Player 1's Score Grids, Green (Right 3) are Player 2's Score Grids. For both sides, the top Score Grid corresponds to the Red piece, the middle to the Green, and the bottom to the Blue.

To make an Attack, left-click on the red square button under the Score Grids. That will spawn special highlights around your Spy showing the range of the Attack. Left-click on an opponent's piece to attack it if it is within range. If it is not the Spy, it will be removed from the game.

If you forget what piece is your Spy or what shape is your OType, left-click on the "?" button below the Score Grids. Depending on whose turn it is, it will display a message with player specific information. Don't let your opponent see it when you're checking!

Aaaaannnnddd that's about it. Win conditions are the same, so if you get all 3 OPoints of your chosen OType using your Spy, and make it to the Exit, you win! Or, you could just Attack your opponent's Spy, but be careful!

Jeez... This took entirely too long. Please play it with someone. Please tell me if you do.

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